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   日期:2023-08-03     浏览:45    评论:0    
核心提示:轮机部的普通船员要熟悉常用机工命令、简单的对话,以及常见机械故障的原因和排除及报告程序、常用和常见的设备和机器的名称。 1.What are the responsibilities (dut



1.What are the responsibilities (duties) as Oiler No.1?


The Oiler No.1 shall follow the orders of the Chief Engineer or the 1st Engineer, instruct and supervise the personnel under his control and engage in the ship service under the management of the Engine Department. Unless otherwise specified, the Oiler No.1 shall engage in the duties listed below:

(1) Shall give order to the personnel under his control, be well aware of the conduct and skills of such personnel, arrange the job allocation, offer opinions to the Chief Engineer and thus try to improve the safety and efficiency of work;

(2) Shall inspect the tools and staging well before beginning of the work, pay attention to the surrounding area during work and try to prevent danger and accidents;

(3) Shall inspect the areas under the management of Engine Department and assist to maintain the main engines, auxiliary engines and machiney.

(4) The handling of ship’s consumable stores.

(5) Shall arrange complete circulation of orders, notifications and various rules to the personnel under his control;

(6) Other duties designated by chief engineer or other engineer.








2. What should oilers and wipers do on board?


The oilers and wipers should be on watch duty, as specified in the vessel. The Oilers and wipers shall follow the orders of the No.1 Oiler, the first engineer, and engage in the ship service under the management of the Engine Department.


3.Where have you been to as a seaman? Or which ports and countries have you ever been to?


I have been to many places in the world, including Southeast Asia, America, Europe, Australia, and Africa etc.

4. How many people are there in your family? How many years have you worked as a oiler?


There are three people in my family, and I have worked as oiler for five years.

5. If you heard very loud noises from the main engine, what should you do?


It depends on the gravity of the problem. If I can manage to solve the problem, I will do it myself. IF I cannot, I will report to the duty engine as soon as possible.

6. What is a condenser? Where is it commonly used?


Condenser is auxiliary equipment used for the cooling purpose. Technically speaking, it is an apparatus for converting exhaust steam to water by means of heat transfer. This equipment is commonly used on boiler system.

7. Why is it necessary to install a rotary flap valve or check value in a centrifugal pump that discharge to an elevation of more than 10 meters?

This rotary flap value or check value will prevent trapped water from flowing back below the water level and this trapped water will act as priming water which is responsible in building up of suction pressure during restarting.

8. In which side of an oil cooler should the pressure be kept heavier, the oil side or the water side? Why?


The pressure should be kept heavier at the oil side so that in case of tube failure or fracture, oil will flow with the water thus preventing water from entering the lubricating system.

9. What will you do beforehand when overhauling a piston of main engine? What should be done after finishing overhauling of machines?


Before any overhauling work, make sure that all tools and spares required are prepared. Special tools should be marked clearly in order to avoid dislocation. A review of the procedures as per instruction manuals should be carried out. Safety or precaution should also be posted in the vicinity in order that persons are warmed of the ongoing activity.

After completing the overhaul work, make sure that the area is cleaned and told returned to their respective locations. As much as possible, carry out trials after overhauling to ensure that the equipment is in good working condition.

10. What is the purpose of having an equalizer between the fuel oil service and settling tank?

Equalizer provides a means of recalculating the excess fuel from the service tank going back to the settling tank. This is because purifier’s output is higher than Fuel Oil consumpyion such that Capacity of zhe service tank is exceeded.

11. If the generator blacks out suddenly, what measures do you need to take if you are on duty?


I shall stop the main engine first, and inform thr bridge and engineer on duty immediately. Then I shall start the standby generator as soon as possible. After the power starts, I shall start the steering gear and pumps first, and then start the main engine.

12. How will you deal with the bilge water in the engine room?


I shall follow the instruction of the company and the orders from the C/E and master. Basically speaking, the bilge water in the engine room can never be discharged into the sea directly. When sailing in the sea, the ship can pump bilge into sea after the water is processed in the oil water separator with 15ppm detector. When the ship is in the port, if bilge is too much, it can be discharged into the onshore with the help of the agent. If bilge water is really too much, it can be pumped into the bilge water hold tank for temporary storage.

13. What are the possible reason for abnormal high exhaust temperatures, and abnormal low temperature of the main engine?


Abnormal high temperature is possibly caused by overloading, timing delay for injection, leakage in fuel injector or valve and fouling of the fuel injector valves, and low pressure in scavenging.


Abnormal low temperature is possibly caused by low loading, early injection, clog in fuel injector, insufficient oil supply, broken spring in the high-pressure oil pump or the dead plunger.


14. When the overhaul of main engine is being done, what should you do?


I should follow the instruction and arrangement of the engineers. I will do the work they ask me to do, such as washing, cleaning watch-out and so on.

15. As an oiler, when you are on duty during sailing, what should you do?

I should inspect all the machines and equipment around the engine room frequently. During the inspection, I should check the temperatures of the water, oil and air. I should also check the level and pressures of water, oil and air. I should also drain off the service tank, settling tank and compressed air reservoirs. Besides, I also do some odd work, such as daily maintenance, cleaning and washing, of the engine room, purifier and other machines.


16. Before standby of the main engine, what preparation work need to be done?


Usually, the main engine should be in standby one or two hours before departure. The preparation work may roughly include the following steps:

(1) warming-up of oil fuel, lube oil and engine;

(2) checking the lubricating system’

(3) cooling system preparation, eater level check, warming-up, drainage of water and turning on pumps;

(4) compressed air system preparation;

(5) clock and telegraph check;

(6) turning and running the engine;

(7) testing the engine.


标签: 机工 工作 主机

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