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摩托车在线教学平台 学习骑摩托车的好方法是什么

   日期:2023-04-22     浏览:50    评论:0    
核心提示:正文翻译 What are good ways to learn how to ride a motorcycle?学习骑摩托车的好方法是什么? 评论翻译Joonil ParkWhat are


摩托车在线教学平台 学习骑摩托车的好方法是什么(1)

What are good ways to learn how to ride a motorcycle?学习骑摩托车的好方法是什么?

评论翻译Joonil ParkWhat are some important tips for riding a motorcycle for the first time?Here is some concise advice regarding technique for getting started:Stop with your front wheel straight. Students drop their bike when stopping because they aren’t squaring their bars when coming to a halt.Rotate your head (keep shoulders square) BEFORE you change directions, look through your path of travel.Don’t drag your feet, take a few steps to get going but then get them on the pegs ASAP once you’re moving fast enough to balance.Don’t look down. You should’ve “felt” where the foot pegs/controls were without looking before you even started the engine.第一次骑摩托车有哪些重要小窍门?以下是一些关于入门技巧的简明建议:前轮笔直停车。学生们在停车时把车摔了,因为他们在停车时没有摆正前轮。在你改变方向之前,先转动你的头(保持肩膀垂直),看看你的前行路线。不要拖着脚走,先走几步就可以了,但一旦你的移动速度足够快,可以保持平衡,就尽快把脚放在踏板上。别往下看。你应该在启动发动机之前就“感觉”到脚踏板/控制装置的位置。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Don’t baby the brakes once you’re a bit acquainted with them, brake with a bit of progressive force when stopping…crawling to a stop will make balance an issue and force you to walk with the bike.Stalling out a lot? Thats ok, part of the learning process. Twist the throttle, feel it out, make it your friend, practice holding it at steady RPMs. Listen to the motor, if she gets too quiet she’s telling you she’s going to stall. Don’t let that happen, make it rev “louder.”Don’t look down. Breath deep. Fear keeps you alive, but anxiety makes your hands shake. Pretend you’re relaxed and breath slow, your body/heartrate will be tricked into actually relaxing and it will be easier to concentrate.Speed will help you, especially regarding balance. Most stuedents are white-knuckled (loosen your grip) thinking they’re going 60mph, but I’m still walking next to them.Focus…. You can do this. Also, don’t look down.Eyes: LOOK where you want to go.Brain: THINK about what you’re doing with the clutch.Ears: LISTEN to the motor so you don’t stall.Muscles: LOOSEN up, don’t be tense, and breath.一旦你有点熟悉刹车,就不要踩刹车,停车时用一点渐进的力量刹车,爬行到停车处会使平衡成为问题,迫使你与车同行。经常拖延?没关系,这是学习过程的一部分。拧油门,感受它,让它成为你的朋友,练习以稳定的转速保持它。听马达的声音,如果她太安静,她会告诉你她会熄火。不要让这种情况发生,让它“更响亮”点哈。别往下看。深呼吸。恐惧让你活着,但焦虑让你的手颤抖。假装你很放松,呼吸变慢,你的身体/心率会被欺骗,从而真正放松,更容易集中注意力。速度会帮助你,尤其是在平衡方面。大多数学生都是白痴(放松你的抓地力),以为他们会跑60英里/小时,但我仍然走在他们旁边。专注,你可以这样做。另外,不要低头。眼睛:看看你想去哪里。大脑:想想你在用离合器做什么。耳朵:听马达的声音,这样你就不会失速。肌肉:放松,不要紧张,呼吸。Harold CrumbWhat are some important tips for riding a motorcycle for the first time?I had help a few people learn how to ride and although I did not have most these problems myself, I do see these mistakes over and over again.First the obvious.1- Make sure you have protecting gear. It is NOT a bicycle it can go considerably faster. Minimum I would say: helmet,, cover shoes (no sandals of any kind), long pants and sleeved shirt. Preferably full face helmet, boots, protecting pants and a padded motorcycle jacket.Do this ALWAYS. Unless you are pushing the bike to be stored, wear the gear!2- Familiarize with the bike controls. Clutch, brakes, accelerator, gears are all in the same place in all the bikes but they do not react the same. Also the kill engine switch, signals, horn ,ay not be in the exact same location or function exactly the same.第一次骑摩托车有哪些重要诀窍?我帮助了一些人学习如何骑车,虽然我自己没有遇到大多数这些问题,但我确实一次又一次地看到这些错误。首先是显而易见的错误:1-确保你有防护装备。它不是自行车,它可以跑得更快。至少我会说:头盔、防护鞋(不穿任何类型的凉鞋)、长裤和带袖衬衫。最好是全脸头盔、靴子、防护裤和带衬垫的摩托车夹克。始终做到这一点。除非你正在推摩托车去存放,否则请戴好装备!2-熟悉摩托车控制装置。离合器、制动器、油门、齿轮在所有摩托车中都在同一位置,但它们的灵敏度各不相同。此外,发动机熄火开关、信号、喇叭的位置或功能可能不完全相同。3- Do any mirror, clothing, helmet, visor, adjustments when you are not moving and preferably not in the road. If it is not right pull over ASAP on a safe traffic free location (parking lot, side of the road, etc..)4- Make sure the bike is ready to ride. Does it have gas, oil. Also, read about the maintenance and adjustment of the bikes (it should be in the manual). Motorcycles require more maintenance and adjustments than cars.5- Never go riding if something needs adjustment or if you think something is wrong (this applies even if you are in a hurry). Get it fix or ask someone that actually know about bikes (specially your type of bike) if that is OK or what to do to fix it.6- Do not crash into anything or anyone (it is not funny or safe).7 - In case of doubt, stop and ask.8- Learn on a place with the least amount of things moving and to run over (preferably dry hard surface (cement. asphalt, even wood) not dirt, grass, gravel, etc..).3-当你没移动车辆,做任何后视镜,衣服,头盔,遮阳板方面的调整,最好不是在路上。如果不正确,请尽快在安全且不会造成交通拥堵的地方(停车场、路边等)靠边停车。4-确保摩托车为骑行做好准备。它有汽油吗?此外,阅读有关摩托车的维护和调整(在手册中应该有)。摩托车比汽车需要更多的保养和调整。5-如果有什么需要调整或你认为有什么不对劲,千万不要骑行(即使你很匆忙,也是如此)。修理它,或者询问真正了解摩托车的人(特别是了解你的摩托车类型):这样是否可以,或者了解该如何修理它。6-不要撞到任何东西或任何人(这既不好玩也不安全)。7-如有疑问,请停下来询问。8-在移动物品最少的地方学习,并在那里驰骋(最好是干燥的硬表面(水泥、沥青、甚至木料地面),而不是泥土、草、砾石等地面。Dave JacksonHow hard is it to learn to ride a motorcycle?Prior to getting my first motorcycle (2007 Ducati Monster 800) I must have watched over a hundred YouTube videos where I theoretically learned how to ride a bike. I also must have watched an equal number of motorcycle crashing videos, as I believe it’s equally important to understand what to do as it is what not to do, and to be able to see real world dangers actually take place.Finally my bike was delivered. It was a bit embarrassing, instead of riding it to my garage, I walked it. Passed lesson one, don’t let pride get in the way of common sense! I needed time to get comfortable and familiar with my bike and this wasn’t going to happen under the eyes of the two delivery drivers. I was a newbie, I knew it, and you know what, these delivery drivers understand this too! In fact anyone with half a brain knows this! DO NOT EVER accept an invite to ride with a group of more experienced friends/riders. It typically isn’t them wanting to teach u anything but rather them wanting to show u how much of a better rider they are than u :/. We men are stupid and will try to prove otherwise….this kind of gonad behavior can get u killed!学骑摩托车有多难?在得到我的第一辆摩托车(2007年DUCATI(杜卡迪) MONSTER800(怪兽800) )之前,我一定看过了100多个油管视频,从理论上讲,我学会了如何骑摩托车。我当然也看过同样数量的摩托车撞车视频,因为我相信理解该做什么和不该做什么是同等重要的,并且能够看到真实世界中的危险实际发生情况。我的摩托车终于送到了。这有点尴尬,我没有骑着它进我的车库,而是推了过去。通过了第一课,别让骄傲妨碍了常识!我需要时间来适应和熟悉我的摩托车,这在两位送货司机的眼皮底下是不会发生的。我是个新手,我知道,你知道吗,这些送货司机也明白这一点!稍微有点脑子的人都知道这一点!我从来没有接受过与一群更有经验的朋友/骑手一起骑行的邀请。他们通常不是想教你什么,而是想向你展示他们比你有多优秀。我们男人是愚蠢的,会试图证明相反的结论。这种性腺行为会让你送命的!Whoa this is a big bike and heavy! Can’t experience that from watching videos. What I did know was what all the controls were and what the first thing I needed to experience, where the friction zone is. Pushed start…oh the noise, this thing is a beast! Several friction engagements…I know where it is but not entirely the fineness.Now learning to ride a bike in a city like Chicago is not exactly ideal. There are few big parking lots and how was I going to get to them anyways, no quiet suburban roads; It’s a jungle. How the heck am I going to learn to ride this thing? My neighbors probably thought I was crazy as I did this lots. Eventually I was ready to tackle the neighborhood streets. To avoid the heavy traffic I would practice at 5 am on Saturdays and Sundays. Early enough traffic was scarce but late enough the drunks should all be home by now. So it went, learning incrementally. Making small mistakes, stalling a couple of time, but nothing major. Eventually took the rider safety course and passed. For the most part the people who failed shared one common attribute. They were scared of their bikes. U need to respect a bike but you should never be scarred of it - u will panic and when u panic u do stupid things; especially so when u have no experience to default to. Watching videos and theoretically understanding things can greatly alleviate some of this fear.I absolutely love riding! Have upgraded since and that big, heavy and intimidatingly powerful bike I started on now seems so small, light and underpowered. But at the time it was all of those things.哇,这是一辆又大又重的摩托车!无法从观看视频中体验到这一点。我所知道的是所有的控制装置是什么,我需要体验的第一件事是什么,摩擦区在哪里!几次摩擦…我知道它在哪里,但不完全是精细度。现在在芝加哥这样的城市学习骑摩托车并不是很理想。这里几乎没有大型停车场,而且我怎么去那里呢,没有安静的郊区道路;这是一片丛林。我到底要怎么学会骑这玩意儿?我的邻居可能认为我疯了,因为我经常这样做。最终,我准备好了去附近的街道。为了避免交通拥挤,我会在周六和周日早上5点练习。足够早的时候交通稀少,但足够晚的时候醉汉现在应该都回家了。就这样,不断地学习。犯了些小错误,耽搁了几次,但没什么大不了的。最终参加了骑手安全课程并通过了考试。大多数失败的人都有一个共同的特点。他们害怕自己的摩托车。你需要尊重一辆摩托车,但你永远不要因为它而伤痕累累—你会惊慌,当你惊慌时,你会做傻事;尤其是当你没有可以默认的经验时,观看视频和从理论上理解事物可以极大地缓解这种恐惧。我绝对喜欢骑摩托车!自从升级之后,我开始骑的那辆又大又重又动力强劲的摩托车看起来又小又轻,动力不足。但当时,一切都是这样。

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