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   日期:2023-05-15     浏览:54    评论:0    
核心提示:大家好,今天为大家整理了美剧中最流行的英语口语句子100句,是零基础入门学习者必背的基础句型,请大家收藏起来熟读背诵哦!想观看视频和语音版本的话,请订阅下方专栏: 现在订阅还有“国庆特价”优惠活




1. You can count on me. 你可以找我呀!

2. Seeing is believing / To see is to believe. 眼见为实

3. Is this seat taken? be seated ,please这个位子有人坐吗?请坐

4. Not that I know of =I know nothing about this我不知道

5. Actions speak louder than words.=Facts speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩

6. Business is business =none of your business=mind your own business=Everybody's business is nobody's business.关你屁事

7. Are you kidding me?=I am just kidding=are you pulling my leg? 你是开我玩笑吗?

8. Talk/ speak of the devil. 说曹操,曹操就到。

9. It is never too old to learn=to live is to learn, to learn is to live better活到老,学到老

10.i see your point,but i still don't agree我明白你的意思,但我还是不同意

11.I will do everything in my power to help you我将尽我的力量帮助你

12. I will see what I can do (about it). =I will do whatever I can to help you我将尽我所能来帮助你

13.all men are created equal人人平等

14.you are so mean. 你这样说是什么意思。

15.what do you mean by saying that?你说的是什么意思?

16.as busy as a bee像蜜蜂一样忙碌

17.Don’t mention it. 别客气。

18. it's up to you 你做主/你决定

19.you are the boss一切听你的

20.it varies from person to person因人而异


21.i can't believe my eyes我简直不能相信眼前的事实

22.think before you leap三思而后行

23.it’s too complicated它太复杂了。

24.I’am available at any time我可以在任何时间

25.why don’t you join us?你何不参加入我们的游戏呢?

26.it's a small world,isn't it? 这世界真小,不是吗?

27.Don't even think about it想都别想

28.there is nothing we can do about it。没有什么我们可以做的事。

29.i don't buy it我不买它

30.Much will have more贪得无厌

31.in for a penny, in for a pound一不做,二不休

32.Penny wise, pound foolish贪小便宜吃大亏

33.you’re a genius你是个天才

34.I mean it. I don‘t mean it我是说真的。我不是故意的

35.I have long heard of your name. 我一直听到你的名字。

36.After you你先请

37.I am all ears我洗耳恭听

38.How is it going? 情况怎么样?

39.How do I address you? 我怎么称呼你?

40.Knowledge is power知识就是力量

41.get down to business言归正传

42.I’ve had enough.=I can’t bear it .=I can’t take it anymore. 我受够了.

43.That’s not happening. 这是不可能的。

44.How can it be possible? =How can that be ?怎么可能呢?

45.You deserve it. 你应得的。

46.Come on, just give me a break.快点,让我休息一下

47.Humor me. 听我的。

48.You screwed up everything你毁了一切

49.You fucked up everything=You messed up everything你都搞砸了

50.It’s not my bad=It’ s not my fault 这不是我的错

51.I want to keep this between us(you and me)我想让这个成为只在我们之间

52.cut it out. 省省吧。

53.You bet. 当然啦。

54.It’s no big deal =what’s the big deal? 这没有什么大不了的。

55.Your call你的电话

56.You know what? It sucks 你知道吗?真烂

57.What’s done is done=what happened happened发生了的,就是发生了

58.Everything’s gonna be fine一切都会好的

59.What an idiot =such an idiot真是一个白痴

60.it’s a piece of cake小菜一碟


61.let’s make a deal让我们做个交易

62.fair enough有道理

63.it’s not fair/unfair这不公平

64.It doesn't make any difference to me对我来说,没有什么差别的

65.Suits me fine/yourself很适合我/你自己

66.Is that for here or to go? 你是要在这儿就餐还是要把它带走?

67.You have my word. 我向你保证

68.it's on me =it's my treat today今天我请客

69.No pay no gain没有付出就没有收获

70.Never judge a book by its cover不要以貌取人

71.I can’t put up with you anymore. 我再也忍受不了你了。

72.Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。(亡羊补牢)

73.I didn't follow you我没有跟随你。

74.It’s up to you. 由你决定。

75.It all depends视情况而定

76.You go too far. 你太过份了。

77.I give you an inch, and you take a yard Leave me alone! 得寸进尺

78.Don’t bother me 别烦我

79. It‘s/ That’s bullshit!这/那是胡说!

80.Damn it!该死的!

81.Are you pulling my leg? 你在开我玩笑吧?

82.I won’t let that happen我不会让这一切发生

83.You have my word我向你保证

84.Over my dead body我死了

85.I won’t let you down/you can count on me我不会让你失望的。/你可以依靠我

86.You really piss me off你真的把我惹毛了

87.I feel like shit我觉得像一堆屎

88.It’s not a big deal really=it is no big deal没什么大不了的

89.What brought you here? 什么风把你吹来了?

90.Don’t push me别催我

91.You want a bet? 你敢打赌吗?

92.You never know/God knows/who knows谁知道

93.Don’t get me wrong你搞错了

94.It’s a long story说来话长

95.Don’t flatter me过奖了

96.How big of you/you’re a genius你是天才

97.Boys will be boys本性难移

98.Let’s wait and see让我们拭目以待

99.Diamonds cut diamonds棋逢对手

100. It’s up in the air还没确定

标签: 我不 你是 最流行

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